Have I ever told you that I'm thankful for you? Because I am.
I'm beyond thrilled to have the opportunity to share this space with some very wonderful people. Without you, it wouldn't be worth it.

Instead of jabbering on today, I want to, once more, keep it simple.
I didn't really mean to make this a semi-regular thing, but I love hearing your thoughts and getting to know you. It's important to me!
So here's the deal. One simple question. To prod your mind. To get you thinking. So I can know you a little better, and maybe you can know yourself a little better, too.
Today's question?
Do you prefer prayer or solitude, and why do you think that's the case?
Simple enough. No ifs ands or buts about it. Just answer the question in the comments section with however you perceive it, regardless of how you feel. I'll be answering there at some point today as well, just so you know!
Keep it simple, my friends.