Showing posts with label KISS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KISS. Show all posts


Continuing in Simplicity

I started asking for recommendations for a Master's program yesterday. I don't wanna grow up!

Have I ever told you that I'm thankful for you? Because I am.

I'm beyond thrilled to have the opportunity to share this space with some very wonderful people. Without you, it wouldn't be worth it.

That, though, has nothing to do with my post today. I just wanted to let you know!

Instead of jabbering on today, I want to, once more, keep it simple.

I didn't really mean to make this a semi-regular thing, but I love hearing your thoughts and getting to know you. It's important to me!

So here's the deal. One simple question. To prod your mind. To get you thinking. So I can know you a little better, and maybe you can know yourself a little better, too.

Today's question?

Do you prefer prayer or solitude, and why do you think that's the case?

Simple enough. No ifs ands or buts about it. Just answer the question in the comments section with however you perceive it, regardless of how you feel. I'll be answering there at some point today as well, just so you know!

Keep it simple, my friends.


K.I.S.S, Part Dos

I saw The Dark Knight for about the 100th time yesterday, and I still love that movie.

Ah, it's one of those days. A Monday that's disguised as a Tuesday. Tricky, tricky stuff.

On account of this, I want to keep today's post short, simple, and sweet.

First of all, I'd love it if you checked out yesterday's post because I forgot it was Labor Day and didn't just post something that said, "Happy Labor Day - I'm too lazy to blog!"

Secondly, since we all know that today is really Monday, I want to present you with our second edition of...

Keep it Simple, Stupid.

(No worries - "Stupid" here refers to me, mostly.)

So, just like last time, this post is easy. Easy for you. Easy for me.

Just one question for you to consider today:

What worries you most in life and why?

That's it. Simple as that.

Think, reflect, answer.

Looking forward to hearing from you!



Our apartment has this weird thing about not wanting to go below 80 degrees. I wish it knew how much I don't appreciate that.

It's Monday. The second Monday of the school year for us, to be precise. And if we're being honest here, the second Monday is much worse than the first. There's no more excitement. No more nervousness. No more "I don't have any homework due!"

Nope, the second Monday is what the first Monday really should be like.

Because this is true (and it is - I've done research), I've decided that today, I want to keep my post simple. Very, very simple. Which reminds me of a million different talks in a million different settings that have used to the acronym "K.I.S.S."

Keep it simple, stupid.

A couple of issues I have with this acronym (even though I'm using it:

First of all, since when is "it" worthy to be part of an acronym?

And if we're being all-inclusive here, what do we do about the comma?

This is just ludicrous, people. And no, I didn't mean Ludacris. Ludicrous. There's a difference. Barely.

With that being said (and since I've completely betrayed the fact that I wanted to keep this post "simple"), here's what I have for you today: a simple question. I know I ask questions everyday, but we're keeping it simple and avoiding my bad story-telling in lieu of the fact that it's the second Monday of the school year.

So my question for you today is this:

To you, what makes someone a leader?

That's it. Simple as that.

Think, reflect, answer.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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