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I have a riddle for you. I'll give you 5 clues. If you figure it out, you'll feel smart and you'll know something more about me that you didn't know before!
Clue #1 - What... smells like some rancid mixture of old lady, alcohol, and pizza... But sometimes smells delightful - like cinnamon, even?

Clue #3 - What... allows me a quick chat with friends, or even strangers... But sometimes causes people to think I'm lazy?
Clue #4 - What... moves me from place to place... But keeps me stationary at the same time?
Clue #5 - What... makes my life easier... But makes it more complicated, too?
You've got until 5 PM CST (US) today to figure out this riddle. I'll post the answer then, along with an explanation. The best answer - not necessarily the correct one - will receive a small prize!
Also: In order to be eligible, you must be subscribed to Life Before the Bucket in some way (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, or a Feed Reader). When you answer, be sure to mention how you follow Life Before the Bucket!
For example... If you guessed car, you may be right, but it's a lame answer. If you, on the other hand, guessed a segue, that'd be epic (except it wouldn't be now). Be creative!
Good luck!
photo credit - svilen001 - sxc.hu
The answer is coffee!!
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