
Leap Day

Another heads up: We still want you to write a guest post for us!  Check out this post for more information and then shoot me an e-mail with your ideas!

So I hear today is Leap Day.

Are you doing anything special to celebrate the "extra" 24 hours?

Or will today be like every other Leap Day you've experienced, sentenced to mediocrity and forgetfulness?

I, for one, want today to be unforgettable. After all, it's not every day that you get an "extra" day to live.

Of course, we all know that today isn't really a bonus day of our lives at all. Leap Day doesn't magically give us an extra 24 hours every 4 years to add to our lives. It's always been there - we just haven't taken advantage of it.

But let's imagine for just a moment...

What if we were given an extra day to live?

Would you spend your extra day partying?
Let's say that God (or science, or whatever) tells us exactly the number the days we have left to live. And the source telling us this is correct 100% of the time. But then... surprise! You get an extra day tacked on the end!

That would be a great feeling, wouldn't it? To know you get an extra 24 hours to enjoy all that you'll miss when you're time is up. What a reward!

So here's my question for you: what would you do with your extra day? 

If you were really given an extra day to live (and not just a fake one, like Leap Day), how would you spend it?

Would you... test drive your favorite car? Loot your favorite store? Fly to a resort to enjoy your last day?

Or would you spend time with your family? Reconcile a broken relationship? Confess your unspoken love for someone?

You're free as a bird - but with one stipulation. Unlike most exercises similar to this one, money is an object. You'd have as much as you'd expect yourself to have made by the end of your life.

Feel free to be creative and think outside of the box on this one. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

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Questions: If you were given 24 extra hours to live, how would you spend it and why? Why would you choose that way over another?

Did you enjoy this post? If so, I'd appreciate you subscribing to Life Before the Bucket and sharing it with your friends. Thanks a million for reading! 


Living to the Fullest: Can a Single Mom do it?

Note from Adrian: This week's guest post is from one of my internet friends named Kateri. She's a 27 year old single mother living in New York. She writes often about her life as she experience it at her blog, which you should subscribe to. Be sure to read this post and leave her some epic feedback in the form of a comment!

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When I start writing, I try to really make sure I understand what it is I am typing about. So, yeah, I Google’d the topic. Do you know how much phony bologna websites there is about “Living Life to the Fullest” or “Living an Abundant Life”?

There are TOO MANY.

So, now that I have sworn off being correctly informed on the topic… what shall I do?

There was a time that I didn’t live at all. Not to say that I didn’t wake up and go through the motions. I did those things – eat, shower (mostly), and sleep. However, that was not living; it was existing.

I feel that on the whole, our society exists. We wake up, we go to work (or don’t go to work), we come home, we eat, and then we go to sleep. Rinse and repeat. Yup, I once existed, with no drive to be more, and no conviction to try for better.

Then, I had my son. Now, for some people, children are the joy of their lives: it’s a feeling only expressed because society tells them to. When I had my son, I literally saw a light. I wasn’t supposed to, you see. I was supposed to be very lucid after giving birth. I lost a little too much blood, and being anemic, I passed out. I saw the light while passing out.

However, when I woke up, there was Emry, in all of his awesomeness. And now that I was aware, I knew everything had to change.

There was no more waking up whenever I felt like it.

There was no more working when I felt like it.

No more unsavory people, situations, or behaviors that I had become accustomed to, that I had grown to secretly hate, but would never say such because I was too far gone.

Looking at him, there was no choice. I had to live. I had to push forward and see that there was more to life, more than just the motions.

I call that Day 1.

Since then, I have strived to better myself (and Emry) by truly becoming an adult. I got me some edjucation. Hahaha – I know you all would get my joke. But, seriously, I found something I was good at, and I went to school for it. I got a degree and then… I didn’t use it. Turns out that what I was good at wouldn’t pay the bills. Wouldn’t support my son and I.

(Yes, I was married during this time, but we weren’t happy, and my change of direction made things worse. Not the reason for this post, so let’s just say… It’s always been my kid and me on this journey.)

Now, the feelings of defeat were starting to set in, and I really thought that I would never get anywhere.

Soon, though, another light appeared. That light’s name is Melissa. Melissa is undoubtedly my best friend and is the one of the purest people I have ever met. She gave me a lifeline. She told me about the position I now work at.

I work in the field of healthcare, and positions of worth are few and far between. However, this one was a perfect fit. I got in, even though I was sure they hated me, and have been working here for the past 1 ½ years. It’s a Christian-based organization, so really, how could they hate me? But, you find hate, or fear, in any organization.

After the 3 years of hard work, studying, defeat, and the almost loss of motivation, I had taken another step in the right direction.

Sounds quirky, right? Sounds Lifetime movie-esque?

Well, it’s the truth. Plain and simple. It all ties together, though.

To live life to its fullest, you must make positive steps in your growth as a person. Whether it is through your faith or other belief systems, you need to make a plan and stick with it. The plan can be modified, as long as you keep pushing.

Never compromise your values to get what you want. Good things come in time to those who deserve them.

You do not want to live the life you want based on the fact you schemed, or acted duplicitously. It wouldn’t truly satisfy you when you did get it. It would never be truly earned.

Living honestly and truly – that’s living life to the fullest.

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Questions: Do you know any single parents? How do they make time to live life to the fullest? If you were in the same situation, how would you strive to life more fully?

This guest post was part of a guest post series called "Living to the Fullest." Interested in joining in? I'm still looking for submissions! Just write up a post, or even just an idea, and e-mail it my way.


A Jesus Worth Following: A Conversation About Gender and the Bible

The other day, my wife and I were talking.

We do that sometimes - it's our "secret" to a healthy marriage.

She's currently discussing gender in one of her classes. The stories she tells from the class are about as stereotypical as you can imagine: the girls don't think guys understand them, and all the guys want is for the girls to make them a sandwich. Pretty typical stuff.

They've studied a lot about how they themselves fit into certain stereotypes as well. One day, Kalyn even brought home a questionnaire that she had filled out about herself. The survey looks at your traits and characteristics, and based on how you respond, it rates you as exhibiting either primarily masculine, feminine, or neutral traits.

Oddly enough, my wife didn't score high enough on any of the traits to merit being lumped into one of the three categories. Not sure what that means, but I still like her!

Naturally, I wanted to take the test for myself.

Big mistake.

I took a deep breath, did a couple of neck rolls, cracked my knuckles, and answered away. Kalyn fired off question after question, and after what seemed like forever, she tallied my score.

Lo and behold, I came out on the feminine side. Heavily, in fact.

There was no doubt that many of the traits that I exhibit (and that I'm even proud of) are considered "feminine." Kindness, caring, listening, empathy - these are all traits that I think any of us would like to have, but that are typically categorized under the umbrella of "feminine" traits.

The first thing my mind jumped to was a blog post that Richard Beck wrote a couple of years ago entitled "Thoughts on Mark Driscoll... While I'm Knitting." Here's a tidbit to whet your taste:
I illustrate the gender psychology/education association to my students by asking them the following question: "How many of your male, PhD college professors do you think are hardcore NASCAR fans?" Answer: Very, very few. Personally, I've never seen a NASCAR hat on the head of any male university colleague. I then ask a follow-up question: "How many blue-collar males working in the city are hardcore NASCAR fans?" Answer (note that we are in small town West Texas): A lot.

See the difference?

So Driscoll has a point. Most church leaders are highly educated. This means that most church leaders are culturally divorced from the average NASCAR fan. The very group Driscoll is targeting.

But here is the very important point about all this. A lot of the reaction to Driscoll isn't even about gender. We are actually talking about the little discussed fissure running through many churches: Education.
If you read the article in its entirety, Beck's ideas make sense. Simply put, men who are less educated exhibit more traits that are considered masculine, while those higher up on the education food-chain exhibit feminine traits. I would fall under this latter category on both points.

The second thing my mind wandered to is another class we're currently taking. For the introduction of the class, we were asked to take personality inventories. Since we attend a Christian college, the inventory looked at personality, as well as how we connect to figures in the Bible.

After I took my test, I saw, to little surprise, that the test had associated me with Thomas, the student of Jesus who is famous for "doubting" that he had resurrected. This connection was made to show that I require evidence before making major decisions and that I often don't take people solely on their word. Seemed reasonable to me.

Meanwhile, there are several females in our class, and some of them were associated with the likes of Ruth or Naomi, some of the more prominent women in the Bible.

This led me to another story from Kalyn's class that she recently told me. I'm not sure of the exact conversation that was had, but she told me that she piped up at one point and said, "Women are only allowed to study Esther or Ruth in the Bible." Apparently her professor got a kick out of this (as did I).

All of this got me thinking: is that really true, though? And even if it is, should it be? Should women only study women, while men only study men? What does that say about gender within Christianity? What does that say for men like me, who grade out to be more feminine than masculine? Or women who seem to exhibit more masculine traits than feminine? 

Should we really only be studying those in the Bible who fit the socially constructed notions of our gender?

So far, I'm answering with a resounding "No," simply because I've always enjoyed studying the women of the Bible, and this seems to make sense in light of Beck's thoughts, as well as what the aforementioned gender characteristic survey said about me. Plus, what does that say about women? Can they not study the life of Jesus to become more like him?

Maybe we are wrong in seeking to become "real" men or "real" women. Maybe this conversation shouldn't be about gender at all, but about becoming real people who exhibit both feminine and masculine traits, both of which God exhibits as well.

Sure, God chose to reveal himself as a man (because, according to nature, he had to choose one, the other, or become a eunuch), but does that mean he is a "man's man" or that he has a "man card" which keeps him from exhibiting feminine traits such as empathy, understanding, or care for others?

If that is really the case, that's a Jesus I wouldn't be interested in following. If he is anything like the "real" men that I know, he'd be a jerk, and a class-act jerk at that.

Instead, I choose to follow the Jesus who cares like a woman, is strong like a man, and who values both (and the eunuchs!) equally. I choose to follow a Jesus who is not a true man or a true woman, but is a true person, as fully human as is possible to become. A Jesus who doesn't discriminate, but who encourages the pursuit of true personhood instead of some stereotypical molds that none of us really fit.

That, my friends, is a Jesus worth following.

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Questions: What are your thoughts on this issue? Do you find yourself exhibiting more masculine or feminine traits? What does this say about you as a person? Should we only focus on those of the same gender when studying the Bible?

Did you enjoy this post? If so, I'd appreciate you subscribing to Life Before the Bucket and sharing it with your friends. Thanks a million for reading!  

photo credit - kikashi - sxc.hu


Win of the Week

Not-so-surprising announcement: We're still looking for guest post submissions! Just check out this post on Living to the Fullest and then send me an e-mail with your guest post idea!

Whew. It's been one of those weeks.

It feels like Monday through Thursday sucker-punched me in the gut.

But it's Friday, so I'm almost done with the fight. And so are you. Congratulations, my friends.

Here, we champion our weeks, no matter how rough they were. We look on the bright side, even if it doesn't seem bright at all.

We share together, as friends, each Win of the Week that we have had.

This week, like I said, has been a doozy. I reached an entirely new level of tired, but thankfully, my medicine finally came in. It tastes like soap (as always) and takes entirely to long to use (20+ minutes twice a day), but it's more than worthwhile.

Soon enough, I'll have energy again, and the monster that is our dishes will be slain.

So that, my friends, is my Win of the Week.

Also, Bonus Win: printing my 45 page paper (a week after I finished it). It was more stressful than you'd think it would be...

So what about you? What was your Win of the Week? Share with us in the comments section of this post!

Did you enjoy this post? If so, I'd appreciate you subscribing to Life Before the Bucket and sharing it with your friends. Thanks a million for reading!  


A Winning Answer

Did I mention that we're looking for guest post submissions? Because we are. Just check out this post on Living to the Fullest and then send me an e-mail with your guest post idea!

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Alright, people. The moment you've been waiting for... The real answer to the riddle was... (drumroll, please!)

Actually, I have an app on my iPod that makes a drumroll sound... and it claps, too!

Oh, wait... you're looking for an answer. Right.

The correct answer was...

An elevator!

If you think about it, it makes sense - I promise!

However, as I suspected, nobody guessed that. And, despite the fact that I said it wasn't my poor, beat up car, many of you still suggested that.

The best answer, then, was...

Michael, with "coffee!!"

Exclamation points always make stuff more interesting.

Anyway, if you look through the comments, you'll see that Michael didn't comment there - he actually submitted his answer in the form of a comment on the mobile version of this site (which I can't get to sync with my real website).

For his creativity (which was amazing - coffee actually works for every clue I gave!), Michael wins a $5 Amazon gift card! 

I hope to do more mini-giveaways like this in the near future, so keep a lookout for them!

Did you enjoy this post? If so, I'd appreciate you subscribing to Life Before the Bucket and sharing it with your friends. Thanks a million for reading!  
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