
It's Ten Days Away!

Oatmeal and coffee are oddly comforting at 4 AM...

Today is the 28th of April. Thursday, to be exact. Unless you're on Jupiter, in which case, I'm really just not sure. Either way, though, May 8th is fast approaching. And you and I both know what that means...

Oh. You don't?

You gonna be in trooouble...

Let me go ahead and help you out here. Remember that lady who did the whole "giving birth" number for you and then proceeded to love you from that day forward, regardless of circumstance or happenstance? Oh, yeah. Her. That'd be your mother, in case you missed it.

Actually, this would be MY mom, not yours. Unless you're one of my sisters, I guess.
Don't have a mother, you say? Then you're either a liar or one of those people from Jupiter I was talking about earlier, because the rest of us humans have mothers, whether we like them or not. It's just the way things work around here...

So now that I've helped you out by giving you fair warning about Mother's Day (and I know you're glad that I did), it's time for you to return the favor. But don't worry, you won't be doing anything for me. And you will be doing something for your mom, so we've got that covered. What you'll also be doing, though, is helping someone out who needs help a heck of a lot more than me or your mom.

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away (okay, so maybe not that long ago) I shared a cause with you that meant a lot to me. Don't remember what that was all about? Here's the post - read it before you go any further.

Did you read it? 

Scouts' honor? 

Good deal. Moving right along, then...

I'm here to present you with another great opportunity, then, to help someone who needs it. Check out this snippet from The Adventure Project's blog:

"Eighty percent of the poor in Sub-Saharan Africa are rural farmers, and 75% of their children go hungry."

Sounds like a massive problem to me. Much too massive for my own undertaking. This is why I'm sharing it with you. At this point, though, you're probably thinking, "That's sad and all, but what do rural farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa have to do with Mother's Day?"

I'm glad you asked.

The Adventure Project has conjured up a brilliant way for you to give radically, helping someone in dire need, and for you to give something to your mom for Mother's Day. Crazy! Here's what they've got to say about their latest epic campaign:

"To support these farmers, we found the perfect gift – plantable greeting cards. That’s right. After you read it, you plant it, water it, and it blooms in 3-4 weeks.  Now you can “send flowers” for Mother’s Day (May 8th), and support a farmer in Kenya."

I just about peed my pants when I read this. A plantable greeting card? Ridiculous! Unbelievable! But apparently, very, very real and very, very helpful.

So do yourself, your mother, and someone who truly needs your help a favor and buy your mom a plantable Mother's Day card. Do it. Do it NOW. It's a freaking plantable Mother's Day card! So epic!

Oh, wait. You need the link...

Now go, give radically, and make your mom happy while you're at it.

What's something you love about your mom? Do you have any plans to show her a little extra love for Mother's Day?

I wanna hear from YOU about these things! Leave a comment or e-mail me at awaller1990@gmail.com!

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Brenda Grow said...

This is amazing Bub! Thank you for the gift of you. Love, Mom

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