
A Break from Spring Break

This should be short and sweet, mostly because I have 2 tests today and a major paper due Monday...

As you can see from the title of this blog post, I want to take a quick break from Spring Break. I promise I will continue to post about it in the very near future. For now, though, I want to share an experience with you that I had yesterday.

Nothing incredibly out of the ordinary truly happened yesterday. Honestly, it probably won't be a day that I remember outside of this blog post. However, that is part of the reason I want to tell you about part of it...

Yesterday, I participated in our school's Prayer Labyrinth, also known as the Prayer Path. This may sound very cool, trendy, and "with the times." However, I've participated in the Prayer Labyrinth every year for the last 4 years (including years prior to college). Thus, my attitude wasn't great when I "entered the labyrinth" (sound like an Indiana Jones movie, right?).

Despite my low expectations and "get it done" attitude (we were required to participate for a class), God met me. And that's the craziest part of it all. Yesterday was just a normal, forgettable day, but God met me anyway. I was doing something I didn't want to do, but God met me anyway. My attitude was, in a word, crappy, and God met me anyway.

One of the stations that you walk through in the Prayer Path involves rocks and a bucket of water. Naturally, as I interact with the stations, I want to be creative with them (because I've been through them a number of times). Here, though, my mind couldn't conjure anything "fun" to do. Instead, God simply wanted to meet with me. 

I took a rock and held it tight. Meanwhile, the CD playing in my ears instructed me to name a worry, an anxiety, or a fear. Usually, I'm a little irreverent and will name something like "acne" or "Steve Carell leaving the Office." But God met me there, despite my apathetic attitude.

As I held my stone, I named a very real anxiety in my life. It's been weighing me down all year, and it only seems to be getting worse. That anxiety is, quite frankly, my health.

Most of you who know me or have met me in the last year have an idea of the poor condition my health is in. On a scale of 1 to Hawaii, with Hawaii being a normal 21 year old's health, I'd say my health would be rated as the slums of Detroit. It sucks, which is actually a funny way to describe it, since my health issues revolve around my lungs and their lack of literal sucking.

Like I said, though, God met me. Once I named my anxiety, I was instructed to let it go, and watch it disappear into the water. It was to symbolize casting my cares on God, because he seems to take care of these sort of things a lot better than I do. However, I held on to that rock for what seemed like forever. It got to the point where my hand started to hurt from the jagged edges and usual crevices of my anxiety-laden rock. But God met me there.

  So I let it go.

What do you need to let go of today? Let God meet with you where you are - he truly wants to.

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Deb Shirkey said...

I love you

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