
Make Money, Money

This post title may indicate that I'm into Bone Thugs N Harmony. Let me assure you now that I'm not.

If there's one thing we're all sick of hearing about, it's money. "In this economy..." isn't just a catchphrase anymore; it's an excuse more common than "My dog ate my homework," mostly because we can't afford to have a dog anymore.

Maybe the new excuse should be, "The economy ate my homework." 

Maybe not. It was worth a shot.

Either way, we're all looking to make some money, and it seems like none of us ever have enough of it. Either we're in debt from student loans, credit card payments, car payments, or we're stuck working a 9-5 job paying minimum wage at McDonald's. Money is something none of us really like, but all of us want (and need if we're going to live).

The funny thing about money is that there's about a million ways to make it. You can mow lawns, paint houses, do paperwork, serve food, be a personal trainer, or just about anything else you can think of and make money from it. Money isn't as difficult to come by as some people make it out to be. This is why I want to present you with a way to make a little extra cash today.

For real.


A Simple Man's Breakfast

Sorry for the delay in posting. I actually had finals today, and I'm pretty sure I aced them. In other news, my "R" key isn't working very well, so typing up this post should be interesting...

This morning, as usual, I woke up absurdly early. 

3:50 AM early, to be exact.

Honestly, though, I don't mind waking up early, even if it's so early that Jesus is still asleep. It's peaceful and I get a little alone time to give me some energy before the day starts. Of course, by the time everyone else's day begins, I've run out of things to do, which isn't always a bad problem. This morning was no exception. 

After being up for 3.5 hours (making it around 7:30 AM - most of my friends still aren't up by this point), I was bored out of my mind and thought about taking a nap. Instead, I decided eating would definitely be wise, seeing as how I had been up since the buttcrack of the night. I proceeded to the kitchen, where I concocted one of my favorite breakfast meals: a sausage, egg, and cheese (sort of Mc)muffin.

The inspiration for this delectable cuisine.


My Journey with Weight

Ah, finals week. One of the least stressful weeks of the semester. Odd, isn't it?

Since I've gotten in the habit of reading blogs, I've noticed one thing. Everyone seems to have their issues with weight. Whether they're overweight and trying to cut a few pounds or they simply want to tone themselves, weight is something almost all people struggle with at some point in their lives. And if I'm being honest with myself (and with you), it's something I've struggled with, too. However, if you know me, you are aware my struggle is a little different.

You see, I don't struggle with weight like most others because, well, I don't weigh much. Instead, as many can attest to, my struggle is the fact that I cannot gain weight and keep it on. I'm as skinny as a rail.


Everyday Heroes... Sort of.

Today, I get to watch my mom and father-in-law graduate from the Master's program I hope to be in a year from now. I'm stoked.

I'm feeling rebellious today.

Not the "I want to steal a car" kind of rebellious, though.

More like the "I want to rip the tag off of a mattress" kind of rebellious.

I know, I know. Living on the edge. It's what I do best.

Seriously, though, I feel like breaking a rule or two today. And what better way to do it than through a blog post?

You see, there are certain unwritten rules when it comes to blogging. At least that's the feeling that I've gotten as I've read through dozens of blogs and written dozens of blog posts. There are just some things you don't do...


No Goal Left Behind

I recently hit 50 posts here on Life Before the Bucket. Unfortunately, there wasn't a processional, or even close to as much of a ruse as the Royal Wedding or when that Osama guy was killed. Maybe at 100...?

Last night was an interesting night for me. First of all, it was probably the least productive night of my life. I finally had nothing to do. Unfortunately, either my friends weren't in the same boat or were doing something that involved the use of oxygen - not one of my specialties. Thankfully I'm married, which is supposed to be some sort of lifetime contract that obliges my wife to entertain me when no one else will.

Yes, that would've been an appropriate place for the sarcasm font. Can someone get on inventing that? I'll pay you (note the necessity for such a font here as well).

So while my wife was out, forsaking her marital entertainment duties, I was sitting at home, as sedentary as a pile of cow dung. However, this is part of the reason that I created a few goals for 2011 that involved exactly that - not being cow dung, mind you. Rather, I have a few goals that are purely for fun, entertainment, and nights when no one realizes that I'm cooped up in my overpriced apartment with nothing to do.

And you thought I was going to put a picture of cow dung on here...

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