
Maybe I'm Biased

So the wife ditched me for a Backstreet Boy concert. It's like grade school all over again...

I've gotta admit - I'm a homebody. I love my family and love the city we grew up in. Things weren't always perfect, and we didn't always like each other, but we've made it this far together.

With that being said, I wanted to show you this video. I think it's awesome and I thought you might as well. It's my youngest sister rocking out for a contest on her guitar with a song she wrote. It's short (less than 90 seconds!) so give it a listen and let me know what you think! I'll post the lyrics beneath the video.

I'm living in a world that's changing rapidly
I've grown up in a place that supports my dreams
Unless I dream of a peaceful land
Where people don't hold guns, they hold hands

But I dream of a place without a hunger stricken race
I dream of a land that's truly united as they stand
I'm told these are impossible dreams
But that doesn't stop me

I can't seem to wrap my head around the terrible things
That happen in my own country, let alone overseas
I'm not sure how to make a change
But I know for a fact that things can't stay the same

Because I live in a place with a warring race
I live in a land where people won't take a stand
I'm told change is an impossible dream
But that doesn't stop me

So what did you think? Did you give it a listen? Do you have any suggestions for my little sister? Would you be willing to share this video? 

I'd love to hear from you about this (or anything else!). Just leave a comment or shoot me an e-mail! And while you're at it, find a way to follow Life Before the Bucket!


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