Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts


A Grab Bag of Goodies

I finished The Hunger Games books in 3 days. Now what on earth am I going to do with my life?

Sunday, Sunday, gotta get down on Sunday...

Oops. That's supposed to be Friday. I'm pretty sure someone forgot to tell this girl that, though:

Because it's Sunday, and because Sunday is awesome (and, to boot, I'm pretty rad myself), I wanted to share a few blogs with you that I follow. I do this each week because, frankly, I'd want someone to do the same for me. And I think Jesus tells us to do stuff like that on a regular basis, so I'll take his word for it.

So here are the blogs you NEED to visit today. Yes, this is a need in your life. Fulfill it.

SSquared - This blog is probably one of my best kept secrets... until now. Stephanie, the author, has some great insight into a lot stuff that happens in life. She has her own perspective on things that you can definitely appreciate and understand. 

The Life of Kai - So this might be cheating, since I've shared Kai's blog before, but he has started posting regularly as the result of a very cool writing challenge he's taking a part in. So click on that beautiful little link and let him know what you think (catch the rhyme there?). 

Two Hiccups Blog - And, as always, a blog for the moms, because moms are awesome. Including this one, who has a lot to say about homeschooling, faith, and anything else she can think of!

Short. Sweet. To the point.

Just how I like it. And, I suspect, how you like it as well.

So give these people a visit (remember, it's a need you have!) and give them a follow as well! Have a fantastic Sunday!


Blogs of Note

Call me crazy, but I think you probably missed the fact that I'm giving away a FREE book! Just check out yesterday's blog post!

It's Sunday, which I'm pretty excited about. It means a few things.

My wonderful mom graduates this year!
First of all, it means we get to cook dinner for my mom for her **th birthday (yes, it's censored - I want my mom to still like me!).

It also means that I get another chance to breathe, which is a pretty huge deal. I guess that's everyday, though!

Finally, it means that I get to share some of my favorite blogs with you!

So without further ado...

Shoes Never Worn - You know, I have a terrible memory, so I don't know if I've plugged K's blog before, but I love it. She's brutally honest, and as a member of the military, she has an interesting perspective on things that I often overlook (until reading her writing, of course).

Getting Out of My Boat - I love reading this blog because of how much I can relate to it. It's by a 19 year old in the UK, and she has gift for being honest with herself and others. Her transparency is unmatched, and she really challenges her readers to get out of their comfort zone and truly live life.

His Wounds Became My Healing - This is a blog that one of my friends from school just started. She's a very fun, cool person who has a lot to say and isn't afraid to say it. Go check out her blog and give her some comment love!

So there you have it. Go check out each of these blogs and leave them some comments. Heck, give them a follow while you're at it! And have a great Sunday!


I Did it! I Did it!

Worked our usual nine-hour shift yesterday and it actually flew by for the first time. Maybe this is what it's like to be at a job you enjoy...

Alrighty, my mighty Bucketeers (can I call you that?). I have some fan-freaking-tastic news...


More Shameless Plugging

Why yes, we DID have an awesome time celebrating our anniversary this weekend! Thanks for asking!

Ah. I love Sunday mornings. Whether I'm going to church or not, there's something about them that just refreshes me. When I wake up, it seems like I retain the peace I have while sleeping, but I'm awake and enjoying being alive. Maybe I'm the only one who is so fond of these mornings, but they make life a little more worthwhile.

This beautiful Sunday morning, I want to share a few blogs with you that I love, mostly because I'm obliged to by some "blogger curse" that will fall on me if I don't pass on the award that I received this week from Heather at My Husband Ate All My Ice Cream. The award I originally received was "The Adorable Blog Award." However, I quickly protested the award, going on strike and insisting that my masculinity wouldn't allow for such nonsense. Heather, being the wonderful person that she is, altered the award for me, creating a badge for "The Handsome Blog Award."

Much better, Heather. We're making progress. Just kidding!

I'm actually very appreciative of the award, so I will take it with glad pleasure and follow the rules that come along with it... sort of. Here are the rules that Heather posted with the award:

  • Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in a post (Thanks, Heather!).
  • Tell us 10 things about yourself.
  • Nominate your bloggers.
  • Contact these bloggers and let them know they they've received this award!
I'm definitely going to alter rule #2 here, because I don't have 10 interesting things to say about myself. Instead, I'm going to list 5 and hope you don't stop reading before then!


Finally Hitting the Big 3-0

Not that I'm into being critical, but the song "7x70" is probably my least favorite song of the millennium.Or maybe of all time.

 Alright, ladies and gents. This post is mostly going to be lame in nature, and rather straight to the point.

If you came here looking to be entertained, please accept my apology on behalf of the gnomes that usually work here at Life Before the Bucket to entertain you. They're on vacation and aren't coming back 'til the fat lady sings. Whatever that means.

What I'm really saying is that this might be the lamest blog post ever written. Mostly because it's all about a number.

The big three-oh. Or is it three-o?

Either way, this is all I want to talk about today. Because today, this blog turns 30! Or at least it feels like it does. Or maybe it feels like I am...


I Clearly Need More Friends

I might go fishing this morning if my lungs hold up. Gotta love summer!

Alright, here's the deal. At some point over the last week, this blog received its first "award." Basically, it's just a fun award to help recognize up-and-coming bloggers. The award that I received is called "The Versatile Blogger Award." Here's the "badge" that comes with it. Please excuse my excessive use of quotation marks. I don't know why my fingers are suddenly attracted to them as I type...

A little girly for my taste, but I'll take what I can get.


Introducing a Good Friend

The internet is being just as spastic this morning, but I've got coffee, so take that, spazzy interweb!

We all have a good friend or two that we're proud to know.

Take, for instance, American Idol. This show features everyday people who want to make it big in the music industry. This season features two sixteen year olds as finalists. That's right. At the ripe, young age of 16, they're a step away from their dreams. I'm betting that they have more than a few friends willing to claim them.

And though we can't all have friends who could win American Idol, we do have friends that we take pride in. Because of these friends, our lives are a little easier. Because of these friends, our lives are a little less hectic. Because of these friends, life is a little more enjoyable.

You know the kind of friend I'm talking about.

Well, today I want to introduce you to a good friend of mine. This friend definitely makes my life easier. I can't imagine not knowing this friend. In fact, I'd go as far as saying that this friend is a life saver. And best of all, you can know this friend, too!

No, this isn't a cheesy "I'm going to introduce you to Jesus" ploy, though it's tempting.

The friend I want to introduce you today is...


Ha! Just kidding. I mean, he's an epic friend to have, but unfortunately, not the topic of discussion today.

Now for real. The friend I want to introduce you to is...

The Google "Next" button!

Okay, yeah, a little lame. I know, I know.

You can hurl tomatoes at me later. For now, hear me out.


If You Love Me, You Will...

Saw a new doctor yesterday. He had a Keurig in his waiting room. Don't care what he charges or what he does - he's a keeper.

Tell me you've never seen this conversation play out before...

Love-Struck Girl: What are you doing tonight?
Clueless Boy: Watching the Royals get creamed by the Indians. Why?

Love-Struck Girl (Who Happens to Be Clueless About Baseball): We should go shopping!
Clueless Boy (Who Clearly Has Plans for the Night): Well, I'm busy. I'm watching the game, remember?

Quickly-Falling-Out-of-Love Girl: C'mon, just this once. I promise.
Not-So-Clueless Boy: Didn't you say that last week?

Definitely-Out-of-Love Girl: But... Well... If you love me, you'll go with me!
Clueless Boy: I... Uh... Well... 

Love-Struck Girl: Great! Pick me up at 7!

Puzzled and Clueless Boy: How DOES she do that?

You know what I'm talking about. Whether it's been with your spouse, your child, or your best friend, you've probably been in this situation before. One of you wants something that the other clearly doesn't care about. In a futile attempt to appeal to their heart, you guilt-trip them and get what you want, knowing that you'll get what's coming to you in the near future.


More Shameless Plugging

So it's Sunday morning, and I'm awake before the sun rises. This is old news to most anyone who has read this blog at some point or another. Unless I take sleeping pills, I just don't sleep. 

However, today is different. 

Today, I have strict instructions on what I am to do once I'm awake - which I guess is now. And if I remember correctly, those instructions had nothing to do with blogging and everything to do with cleaning and packing so that we can move for our internships. 



Everyday Heroes... Sort of.

Today, I get to watch my mom and father-in-law graduate from the Master's program I hope to be in a year from now. I'm stoked.

I'm feeling rebellious today.

Not the "I want to steal a car" kind of rebellious, though.

More like the "I want to rip the tag off of a mattress" kind of rebellious.

I know, I know. Living on the edge. It's what I do best.

Seriously, though, I feel like breaking a rule or two today. And what better way to do it than through a blog post?

You see, there are certain unwritten rules when it comes to blogging. At least that's the feeling that I've gotten as I've read through dozens of blogs and written dozens of blog posts. There are just some things you don't do...


The Nerdfest Continues

I finished my last assignment for the semester. My feelings about this momentous occasion? Well... I'm hungry.

So if you read this blog regularly, you might recall a post from a couple of days ago referring to nerds. You might remember it as the post with the picture of the creepy kid on it. Or you might remember it as the post where I made a bullet-point list that was entirely too long and ridiculously boring.

Either way, though, you remember it, and that's what counts.

If you don't remember it and want to join in on the fun, click here to see the post...


The Nerdiest Blog Post Ever

To start off this nerdfest, I have to tell you that I'm putting off writing my last paper for the semester to do this. Because I care and I was concerned that you might not make it if I waited to post something new. And maybe because I don't care about the paper. Maybe.

You know, "nerd" is a funny word. 

First of all, it sounds funny.  

Nerd, nerd, nerd, nerd, nerd. Nuh-urd. Nerd.

See what I'm saying?

Secondly, it either describes a person or a piece of candy.
Shame on you, Willy Wonka, for confusing us all.

Unfortunately for you, I'm not here to talk about a candy giveaway. Nor am I talking about giving away actual human nerds, because that would be equally weird and about 1,000 times more illegal. Nope. No giveaways here. At least not yet...


A Little Change Never Hurt Anyone

I hope, for my sanity, that I never get used to 4:30 AM.

Well, well, well... Something looks a little different, don't you think?

Can't quite put your finger on it?

Maybe it's just you.

Just kidding!

As you can see, things have changed a little here at Life Before the Bucket. There are a few reasons for the redesign (I love lists, if you haven't noticed):

First of all, I get bored easily. That's all there is to it.
Secondly, this blog made me do it. Yup. Held me at gunpoint and everything.
Thirdly (always an awkward word), I checked another goal off of my 111 for 2011.
Fourthly (I'm really starting to doubt the validity of my vocabulary here), things just needed to look a lot more fun around here.

Pretty good reasoning, eh?

But enough about the blog. I want to tell you about the goal I was able to check off of my 111 in 2011!

(This is where you click "Click HERE to Read More!" I know it doesn't look like a link, but you'll just have to trust me, people. Click it!)


A Blog About Blogs

It's my wonderful wife's birthday! Harass Tell her Happy Birthday if you know her! Love ya, babe!

On account of the fact that it's Saturday, and because my laptop battery is about to die, I'm going to keep this short and sweet. I really just wanted to let you know that I was able to check another goal off of my 111 in 2011: blog at least 25 times (Goal 13)! The 25th blog of the year came on Wednesday, and you can check it out here if you missed it!

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