
Who's Your Hero?

Last night, I found out that one of my grandmas is trying to figure out how to read my blog, so this is me giving a shout out to my Meme, because if she's reading this, then she figured it out! Or at least found someone to figure it out for her...

I noticed something recently. Maybe you have, too. Hear me out and see what you think.

Over the last ten years or so, there has been a ridiculous influx of superhero-laden movies. This isn't completely unusual, because Hollywood has always loved a good story. And what's better than a story that we all wish was true about someone who doesn't exist? Superhero movies have always been around, though, and have always been popular. However, they have not always been good.

That seems to have changed as of late.

Thank goodness.

In my mind, this shift to the better, more entertaining superhero movie started in 2000 with X-Men. Unfortunately, it took Hollywood a little while to catch on to the fact that these higher-quality superhero movies could bring in super profits. So from 2000 to 2008, we didn't see a lot of great superhero movies, though Spiderman (2002) would definitely be an exception to that.

And then 2008 came, and the light bulb clicked.

Suddenly, superhero movies because all the rage in 2008, and for good reason. It seemed like Hollywood actually did something right. Thus, 2008 brought us great movies such as Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, and Hancock, all movies that I now own on DVD (which means they're worth watching again). The real bullseye, though, was a movie that was actually a sequel to a 2005 flick... The Dark Knight.

With the release of The Dark Knight, the bar was raised. And suddenly, Batman Begins, that 2005 film I just mentioned, made a lot more sense and was a lot more epic.

So what changed? What separated these epic tales of masked crusaders from the cheese-fests that Hollywood had produced in the past? Was it better special effects? Bigger budgets? Better advertising? 

I'm just gonna go ahead and answer with D: None of the above.

What truly separates these films from the corny flicks that Hollywood had produced in the past about superheros is this:
These "superheros" seemed like they could actually be real people.

Hollywood finally figured it out. Nobody likes a story about a hero that suddenly emerges from thin air and saves the world because he's unstoppable, and because the script says he can't lose. No, what people truly want is a hero they can become. 

Think about it.

Spiderman, the ultimate nerd boy, gets bit by a spider and suddenly has the ability to swing from skyscrapers and fight crime.

Iron Man tells us about a narcissistic company owner who decides to finally do something worthwhile with his life.

Batman gives us the story of a normal man (with no superpowers) who decides to use what he does have (power, wealth, and a wise butler) to make a difference in his city.

This is stuff that could realistically happen! Is it a stretch? Yes. But that's what movies are all about, according to one of my cousins. It's all about "the willful suspension of disbelief." However, Hollywood has produced these movies in such a way that these superheros have very real stories and very real lives that require very little suspension of disbelief. We all know nerds, egotists, and guys who have entirely too many women in their lives. We are enamored with the idea of someone so seemingly real becoming something so great.

And so now we've come full circle, because I have a question for you. 

One very simple question.

Who is your hero?

I'm not talking about Superman here. Or even Batman. I'm talking about your true hero. Not somebody you dream of, but somebody you do life with. Somebody who inspires you. Someone who demands greatness every moment of their life. Who is that person to you?

I want to start a series of posts on Life Before the Bucket called "Everyday Heroes." I want to hear about these people, and I want to share their stories with others! We all need a little inspiration from time to time, and what better source of inspiration than people who are real-life superheros?

One of my real-life heroes - my little sister, Tanna!
So this is where I ask you for a HUGE favor. I'm going to need a MASSIVE response to make this happen. If you have a hero in your life that you're just busting at the seems to tell about, then this is the place for it to happen. I want the "Everyday Heroes" series to be written by YOU.

If you have a hero who people need to hear about, e-mail me, leave a Comment, or write on the LBTB Facebook page. I would love to feature your hero here, and would love for you to write about them. You wouldn't have to write an essay, or even a full post (though you can if you want!), and I could help you out in whatever way that you need. These stories need to be heard!

So there you have it. Let me hear about your heroes!


scarlett said...

AWE! (:

Deb Shirkey said...

Son in law What a GREAT BLOG!!

ACTUALLY - YOU are One of my Heros! Just sayin

Will be anxious to see the responses you get! :)

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